Bright country classic
Bright and bold are the best way to describe this bouquet. I love it!
A great combo of primary and secondary colours make this visually fab ( in my opinion ) and totally pops when put into a large clear glass vase
Roses, clematis, lissianthus, crespedia are a few of the flowers in this bouquet. With the added addition of some dried grasses the country vibe shines through
To try and cut down on our single use plastics we are sending our Bouquets out as Hand tieds. This means they are ready to be cut and put straight into a vase of your choice in your lovely homes. However if you would like us to Aqua your bouquet ( put into a water bag and gift wrapped in a box ) then we are more than happy to do so, please click the Aqua my bouquet add on and we will do happily do this for you
(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).